We Got Game Streetball

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We Got Game StreetBall recreational hoops alternatives have been offered since 1998 and supported by local and regional businesses, firms and civic-minded individuals.
Generally, We Got Game StreetBall offers youths 10-17 the opportunity to participate in organized, supervised basketball activities at various hosted locations.
Each year, more than 500 youths will participate in "open" activities and competitions driven by room-rocking arena music and a celebration called the "Hoops Jamm".
Starting in the near future, we hope to "immortalize" all our players & teams on limited-edition We Got Game Trading Cards.

Players sign up for one of the 4 Youth Age Groups: *8-9(Biddies or Group I); *10-12(Group II); *13-15(Group III); or *16-17(Group IV).

On certain occasions, Adult players are included in 2 Age Groups: *18-35(Group V) and *Over-35(Group VI or "Over-The-Hill).

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